Corisaccites gen.nov., A new saccate pollen genus from the permian of salt range, West Pakistan
A re-examination of spores and pollen contained in the Kathwai shale, 25 ft. above the Talchir boulder bed, has revealed considerable information regarding the age of these beds. Virkki (1946) investigated this material.
The present paper deals with pollen grains designated as "Spore 5" by Virkki (1946) and later included under Lueckisporites by Potonie and Potonie & Klaus (1954). These pollens differ from Lueckisporites in not possessing an intrabaculate exoexinal cap on the central body and hence included here in a new genus Corisaccites. The genus is compared with other bisaccate genera like Taeniaesporites, Lunatisporites and Chordasporites.
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