Palynology of the Northe Karanpura basin, Bihar, India - 5. Palynological assemblage of the bore-core no. K2, Raniganj stage (Upper Permian)
The present paper deals with the palynological assemblage of the bore-core no. K2, Raniganj Stage (Upper Permian), located in the top Raniganj Kavendai area, North Karanpura coalfield (Sheet no. 13E/1), Bihar, India. 58 spores-pollen genera have been recovered. Some of the genera, viz. Psilalacinites, Divarireticulates, Striasporis, Altimonoletes, Ghoshiasporites, Mammialetes, Raniganjiasaccites and Gondwanaeaplicates are recorded and seems to be mostly confined to this particular Stage. The assemblage is dominated by the striate bisaccate and monosaccate pollen grains at the base of the core, but the percentage of the monosaccate dwindles down at the upper level and the trilete and the monolete spores take its place. The striate bisaccate is, however, dominant throughout the assemblage. Two palynological zones have been established according to the representation of the various spores-pollen in the count. The present palynological assemblage has also been compared with the other palynological assemblages of the same stage.
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