Sporae dispersae from Panchet (Lower Triassic) in the bore-core no. RE9, Ranijanj coalfield, West Bengal
The present investigation deals with the dispersed spores from Panchet (Lower Triassic) in the bore-core Xo. RE9, located in the eastern part of Raniganj coalfield, W. Bengal. The palynological assemblage comprises 24 spores-pollen genera. Out of these 13 genera belong to trilete spores and 7 to bisaccate pollen. The assemblage is dominated by trilete and striate bisaccate pollen come next in abundance. Monolete and monosaccate are meagrely represented while colpate and polyplicates are not found in the assemblage. Three new trilete genera, viz. Divaripunctites, Decisporis, Subverrusporis and one new alete genus, viz. Rimaspora, have been instituted. In all the samples Divaripunctites, Decisporis, Rimaspora, Strotersporites and Striatopiceites are found in good number while Eupunctisporites, Anapiculatisporites, Subverrusporis, Discisporites, Ghoshiasporites, Densipollenites, Podocarpidites, Verticipollenites and Striapollenites are meagrely represented. The present palynological assemblage has also been compared with the known Triassic assemblage of Argentina, Australia, India and Madagascar.
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