Palynological interpretations of Palaeoenvironments with reference to India


  • S.C.D. Sah Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India
  • R.K. Kar Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



The recent growth and development of Palynology have clearly demonstrated that palynological fossils can be successfully used in determining palaeoenvironments. The present day distribution of plants shows that certain environments are characterized by particular plant communities’ peculiar to them. This is also broadly reflected in the general correspondance between the vegetational units and the climatic zones of the world. The environmental conditions under which the fossil plants lived are interpreted from the habitats under which their modern equivalents live.

Some of the palaeoenvironments indicated by palynological fossils are - (1) basin of deposition; (2) sea-land level changes; (3) ancient shore lines; (4) distance from land; (5) source or direction of plants; (6) climatic changes and seasonal variations; (7) orogeny; (8) migration of plants; (9) minor changes in topography, stream patterns; (10) biotic factors etc. Palynological evidences indicating palaeoenvironments during Quaternary, Tertiary, Mesozoic and Palaeozoic Eras of India have been brought forth.


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How to Cite

Sah, S., & Kar, R. (1970). Palynological interpretations of Palaeoenvironments with reference to India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 19(1-3), 86–94.



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