On the status of some Miospore genera from the Mesozoic Era
Potonie emend., is distally baculate and proximally smooth. Matonisporites Couper emened., has thicker corners, membraneous Y-rays and smooth exine. Callispora Dev emend., is characterized by having incipiently thickened angles and punctate exine. Boseisporites Dev emend., possesses two-layered exine, the outer layer being hyaline and varyingly punctate but the inner one darker, rarely punctate and continuous all-round the equator being broader at the angles. Densoisporites Weyland & Krieger emend., has two-layered, cavate spore wall, the exoexine being thicker distally and equatorially than on the proximal face and sculptured with very low, free to anastomosing grana. Callialasporites Dev emend., is a monosaccate genus having two-layered exine. Exoexine and intexine are separated from each other variably subequatorially on both the faces. Saccus is microsculptured (microbaculate or microverrucose) and has a limboid marginal thickening. The specific diagnoses of nine species, viz. Neoraislrickia truncala (Cookson) Potonie (1956), N. neozealandica (Couper) Potonie (1956), Callispora potoniei Dev (1961), Boseisporites praeclarus Dev (1961), Densoisporites mesozoicus Singh, Srivastava & Roy (1964), Callialasporites trilobatus (Balme) Dev (1961), C. dampieri (Balme) Dev (1961), C. segmenlatus (Balme) Srivastava (1963) and C. discoidalis (Doring) comb. nov. have also been emended on the lines of the emended generic diagnoses.
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