Studies of fungal remains from the Flandrian deposits in the Whittlesey Mere region, Hunts., England
The paper gives an account of a qualitative and quantitative systematic enumeration of fungal spores and other remains from the Flandrian deposits at Holme Fen and Trundle Mere in the Whittlesey Mere region, Hunts., England. An attempt has also been made towards the correlation of populations of fungi with the various peat types, as a result of which it has been established that certain spore types have frequency variations that are correlated closely with the vegetation of given peat layers more particularly with the brush-wood peat, the Cladium sedge peat and the Phragmites peat. It has indeed been found difficult to correlate the various fungal populations with the peat types of the raised bog for lack of knowledge of their hosts in the bog peats. The paper also discusses the prospects for the investigation of sub-fossil fungal spores particularly in regard to the role they play in the formation of peat types, their history and distribution in the various periods of the Quaternary era, and in regard to their ecological considerations.
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