The fossil floras of Kachchh. II - Mesozoic megaspores
Palynology, Megaspores, Bhuj Formation, Lower Cretaceous (India)Abstract
Megaspores have been recorded from the Bhuj Formation exposed in Pur River Section near Trambau, Pat River Section near Nangor, Kharod River Section near Gacthsisa, Chawad River Section near Charkhada, Korawadi River Section near Dharesi, Bhuj Formation, Bukhi River Section near Dhinodhar, open pit near Guneri, and 5 shallow wells, 1 each near Madhapur, Kera, Sukhpur, Ugedi and Walka Mota. The new record and a revision of earlier work now reveal a megaspore assemblage comprising 27 species referable to 11 genera. There is hardly any element that could help in fixing a definite age to the sediments. The overall assemblage, however, is indicative of Lower Cretaceous age.
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