A new species of Ptilophyllum from Bansa, South Rewa Gondwana basin
Cuticular structure of a new species of Ptilophyllum (P. gladiatum) from Bansa, South Rewa, has been described.
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Sahni B & Rao AR (1933). On some Jurassic Plants from the Rajmahal Hills. Jour. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal. N.S.). 27.
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Thomas HH & Bancroft N (1913). On the cuticles of some recent and Fossil Cycadean Fronds. Trans. Linn. Soc. London. 2(8).
Walkom AB (1917). Mesozoic Floras of Queensland Pt. 1. Concluded. Queen. Geol. Surv. Publ. 259.
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