The present position and problems of Tertiary Palaeobotany in India


  • R.N. Lakhanpal Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany, 53, University Road, Lucknow 226007, India



Since the second quarter of the nineteenth century, when fossil plants began to be collected in India, almost all the earlier work in Indian palaeobotany was carried out on Mesozoic and Palaeozoic fossils. Progress in Tertiary palaeobotany really started in the early thirties of the present century. The contributions have mainly been on the structure of individual fossils, mostly petrifactions, from the Deccan Intertrappean beds and from the Middle Tertiary strata of Assam and South India. Of late, some papers on the leaf impressions and pollen and spores have also appeared. At the present stage it is desirable that Tertiary plants are studied collectively as floras. This will help in solving a number of problems related to stratigraphy, palaeogeography and palaeoecology during the Tertiary period in India.


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Idem 1957. On the fructification of Tricoccites trigonum Rode from the Deccan Intertrappean series of India. The Palaeobotanist 5: 56-63.

Idem 1958. Seeds of Viracarpon hexaspermum Sahni from the Intertrappean beds of Mohgaon Kalan, India. J. India bot. Soc. 37 (3): 408-411.

Idem 1964. Further observations on Sahnipushpam. J. Indian bot. Soc. 43 (1): 69-74.

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Idem 1962. Phyllanthinium bangalamodense, a new species of fossil Euphorbiaceous wood from the “Cuddalore series” of India. The Palaeobotanist 9: 11-16.

Idem 1962b. Pollen and spores from Neyveli lignite, South India. The Palaeobotanist 10: 87-90.

Idem 1963a. Fossil woods of Leguminosae from Tertiary rocks of Cuddalore series near Pondicherry, India. The Palaeobotanist 11 (1 & 2): 54-65.

Idem 1963b. Some silicified Dipterocarpaceous woods from Tertiary beds of the Cuddalore series near Pondicherry, India. The Palaeobotanist 11 (1 & 2): 66-81.

Idem 1964a. Castanoxylon gen. nov. from Tertiary beds of the Cuddalore series near Pondicherry, India. The Palaeobotanist 11 (3): 131-137.

Idem 1964b. Anogeissusoxylon indicum gen. et sp. nov. from the Tertiary rocks near Pondicherry, India. The Palaeobotanist 11 (3): 154-158.

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Prakash U Navale GKB 1962. Terminalioxylon chowdhurii sp. nov., a new fossil dicotyledonous wood from the Tertiary rocks of Assam. The Palaeobotanist 11 (1 & 2): 49-53.

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How to Cite

Lakhanpal, R. (1965). The present position and problems of Tertiary Palaeobotany in India. Journal of Palaeosciences, 14((1-3), 202–208.



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