Micro-organisms from the Bushimay system (Late Pre-Cambrian) of Kanshi, Zaire
Micro-organisms from the drill core samples recorded from the Bushimay Supergroup (Late Pre-Cambrian) of Kanshi. Zaire are recorded. The micro-organisms consist of remains of algae fungi, acritarcha and indeterminate remains. Among the algae both filamentous and colonial forms are present. The colonial forms are either preserved in the form of globular colony or elongate colony. Many of these colonies are surrounded by a mucilage sheath. The algal remains have been assigned to 9 genera belonging to 14 species. Of these 2 genera Palaeomicrocysts and Chlorogloeaopsis are new. Only 1 genus and 3 species have been referred to fungi. The acritarch remains belong to the groups Sphaeromorphitae, Megasphaeromorphitae. Acanthomorphitae Netromorphitae and the family Tasmanaceae. The spinate forms are rare in the assemblage. The elements belonging to Sphaeromorphitae and Megasphaeromorphitae are common. The assemblage resembles, on the basis of algal and fungal remains. to the Late Pre-Cambrian flora of Bitter Spring Formation of Australia and on the basis of acritarcha remains. the Late Pre-Cambrian (Upper Riphean) acritarcha assemblage of USSR.
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